
How to get LinkedIn App ID and App Secret

Proficiency Level Intermediate

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  1. Visit and Login using your credentials

  2. Click Create app in centre the page

  3. Fill out the mandatory fields like App Name, Company, Privacy Policy URL, Business email and App logo

  4. Check the Legal terms and click Create App

  5. Click on the Verify Button

  6. In the Popup you   under Verification URL click Generate URL .

  7. Copy and Paste the URL in different window.

  8. It will ask to Approve Application .

  9. Click Approve Verification .

  10. Click Go to my App

  11. Click Auth , 2nd Tab at the top.

  12. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret and paste it in your website | WP Admin | Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | Social | LinkedIn and Submit.

  13. Then in LinkedIn | Auth | OAuth 2.0 Settings Click the Pencil Icon to edit, then click Add redirect URL .

  14. To Get the Redirect URL go to your website | WP Admin | Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | Social | Settings and Copy the Add This URL on Redirect URL and paste it .

  15. Click Update .

  16. Now you can use the LinkedIn in your website as a Social Login
How to get LinkedIn App ID and App Secret