- Visit https://developers.facebook.com/ and Login using your credentials
- Click My Apps | Create App
- Enter Display Name and check Email Address is correct
- Click Create APP ID
- In Left Sidebar Click Settings | Basic
- Fill out the required mandatory fields like App Domain, Privacy Policy URL, Terms of Service URL, Category and App Icon
- Scroll down and click Save Changes
- In Left Sidebar Click Products
- Then in Facebook Login Click Setup
- Now go to your website WP Admin | Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | Social | Settings
- Copy the Add This URL on Redirect URL on Redirect URL
- Now Go to Facebook Developer page Left Sidebar Click Products | Settings
- Paste the URL in Valid OAuth Redirect URIs
- Click Save Changes
- At the top of the Page Switch on the Status from OFF (Development) to ON (Live)
- Click Confirm on any popup request
- Then Copy the APP ID and APP Secret from Facebook and Paste it in your website WP Admin | Frontend Dashboard | Frontend Dashboard | Social | Facebook
How to get Facebook App ID and App Secret